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Golf Mindset and LifeCoaching & Training
Do you want better results in your Golf, Health, Relationships, Career, Performance, Purpose/Meaning? ​
​What is Coaching?
A coaching program will help you to succeed by identifying and achieving your goals. Together we’ll clarify your goals and determine actions for you to implement. You’ll be provided with tools and support to guide you. Having a coach is like having a light to help you shine the way.
Coaching is not therapy or counselling. It is forward and results focused.
Mindset Coaching is proven to be the most effective and efficient way to change human behaviour.
Coaching occurs through a series of conversations in which the coach uses their ability to listen, ask questions, and play back what they have heard. This creates a relationship of rapport and trust that enables you, the coachee, to clarify what matters to you and to work out what to do to achieve your aspirations.
Benefits of coaching:
The International Coach Federation (ICF) Global Coaching Client Study shows most clients reported improved work performance, better business management, more efficient time management, increased team effectiveness, and more growth and opportunities.
The same study found that coaching clients noted greater self-confidence, enhanced relationships, more effective communications skills, better work-and-life balance and an improvement in wellness.
Nearly 70 per cent of individuals indicated they had at least made back their initial investment and the median suggests that a client who achieved financial benefit from coaching can typically expect a
Return on Investment (ROI) of more than three times the amount spent.
Could you or your organisation benefit from MINDSET COACHING to improve your results:-
Derek has Coached many people from many backgrounds over the last 14 years.
From the Executive Leadership Team at Cleanaway Australia, Leaders from Turner Townsend Global Perth Office, Essential Energy NSW, Ambulance Victoria and Banking, together with many small business owners from in Trades, Hospitality and Retail. Then there are the many who just want to be happier and healthier for their life!
"My husband and I sought coaching from Derek after not getting the results we wanted from Counselling.We felt we were still having too much conflict as a couple and this was negatively impacting our relationship, our children and quality of life.
Working with Derek has significantly improved our relationship and particularly the way we communicate with each other and work as a team. Derek has a very balanced way of approaching things and related well to both me and my husband.
He was able to discuss things in a way that made sense to us both, and helped us focus on practical actions we could take to improve our communication and feelings of closeness. The coaching has made a big difference to both of us and we are feeling much happier as a result. Our kids are also big winners from this as we are more relaxed and can relate better to them.
I highly recommend using Derek's services if you would like to improve your relationship or some other aspect of your life.
-CM & JT Perth
When I first met Derek I was feeling unfulfilled in both work and my personal life. I was working very long hours, under a great deal of pressure from work and going through a difficult divorce. To be honest I was not eating, sleeping or thinking very well and drinking way too much.
I sought a male coach to help him get some clarity around a more meaningful and happier life. After 3 months, working alongside Derek I had a new lease on life, I was looking and feeling healthier, in a new relationship and playing sport again. I was a changed man. Thanks so much Derek for your patience and perseverance.
- Andy NAB
"I had a great Coaching session with Derek and highly recommend him.
Derek is so easy to talk to and helped me put things into perspective.
He gave me tools to be work with and I came out feeling empowered and relieved at the same time.
A beautiful soul!"
Ann- National Export Manager

Focus: Getting your focus right is the first step required to create change. We’ll work together in an equal partnership to determine how to shift from a current situation to a new desired outcome. We’ll discuss your goals and, through the process, you’ll gain clarity and direction as you envisage where you’d like to be in the future and what change you’d like to make.
Intention: Together we’ll enable you to develop clarity around your intention and how it relates to your desired outcome. A clear intention requires a vision. I’ll work with you to build a clear picture and to fully develop that vision.
Results: I’ll utilise a range of coaching processes to support you to create goals based on your values and with clear, measurable results. Coaching is action-oriented and I’ll help you to get really clear on how to achieve results.
Evaluate: I’ll partner with you to measure and reflect on your progress towards your goals. I’ll support you to understand the broader implications of either achieving or not achieving your goals. We’ll allow time for reflection and reassessment during this phase of the process.
Upgrade: The work that we’ll do together in the coaching process will enable you to transform old, limiting patterns of thinking and replace them with a more resourceful and productive mindset which will assist you in moving forward successfully.
Perform: I’ll be asking you to take action towards your goals and to be accountable. I’ll also be encouraging you to identify strategies for sustaining success so that you consciously and consistently perform at the level you’re now capable of.