1. Rest your brain, it’s probably been going over time this year, with work, family and Interest rates.
It needs rest from the daily mind chatter, learn to deep breathe. Box breathing is a great starter. (in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4, repeat for 5 minutes) anytime during the day you feel overwhelmed or annoyed. Plus meditate daily, you will live longer, have better relationships, better productivity and suffer less.
2. Use this time of the year to connect or re - connect with your family and friends.
The happiest, least depressed and longest living communities in the world, stay connected. Get courageous and have that conversation that you have been putting off with others who you may have harmed, or they may have harmed you. Dig deep and let go of that past conflict (what if over half of cancer/disease is from internal pain not released. Let go!! If the mind is not at ease, the body will create disease!!) What is that story you are holding onto?
3. Walk more, it’s also a great distress tool.
Walk and talk is always good. Walk and reflect, or don’t think and just observe and be present to your surroundings. This will have a big impact on reducing your stress levels. Observing the wonder of nature, flowers, plants, bees, birds- mother nature = nurturing our soul.
4. Be aware that when we look DOWN as we walk, we are caught up in our thoughts.
Whereas looking UP clears our mind chatter to just appreciate the beauty we are in…
5. Set boundaries with your time, personal space and the people you see and for how long. People will only treat us how we let them treat us!
6. Be aware anxiety is focusing on the future that hasn’t happened yet!
Always be mindful to focus on the outcome you want, not what you do not want. As the universal energy/vibration always gives your more of what you focus and feel!
I hope this can make a difference for you or someone you care about.
With love Derek